Welcome to the High Speed Reacting Flow Laboratory at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
HiREF is the core laboratory center for our Sustainable Energy and Reacting Flow (SERF) Research Group.
Visit SERF through this link: SERF
The prime focus of HiREF Laboratory is the engineering applications of high-speed reacting flows in the presence of various physical phenomena such as combustion and heat transfer. This focus, in principle, has driven the group to engage in cutting-edge related research areas such as high speed reacting flows, rotating detonation engines, hydrogen gas turbines, flameless combustion and development of hypersonic engines.
HiREF team is also currently working to develop accurate turbulence and thermochemical models for different combustion applications, to build state-of-the art experimental platforms for supersonic and hypersonic flows, to establish a knowledge base for multidisciplinary thermofluids research topics.
The group is also active in conducting research in flame synthesis of carbon nanotubes and heat transfer enhancement for high intensity electronic appplications, nanofluids, binary gas mixtures, macroscale and microscale fluid flow. For more information, visit our group website through the link below.